219 000 sum

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6 thin layers of classic biscuit with 5 fruity buttercreams: cherry, orange, banana, apple and raspberry. The cake is decorated with mirror glaze with meringue and chocolate decor. The cake is designed for 6 - 8 persons. It is recommended to defrost this cake for 2 hours before eating.
190 000 sum
Classic chiffon sponge cake soaked in raspberry juice, with a layer of raspberry (strawberry) confit, combined with creamy custard and fresh berries (according to the season). The cake is designed for 10 - 12 people. It is recommended to defrost this cake for 2 hours before eating.
229 000 sum
Classic chiffon sponge cake with cherry cream with cherries, banana cream with bananas and chocolate cream with chocolate. The cake is designed for 8-10 people. This cake is recommended to defrost for 2 hours before eating
288 000 sum
Thin layers of Salma biscuit with raspberry and orange confit with caramelized apples.
240 000 sum
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